There is a device on the market patented by Polti, an Italian company and leader in steam applications, which eliminates these unpleasant insects and their eggs

They are everywhere: in beds, as the name implies, but also on transport, in cinemas, in airports and in highly frequented places. Bed bugs are bringing France to its knees, Paris in particular, so much so that the problem has even reached Parliament, in the session dedicated to questions to the government. The country is currently struggling with a real public health emergency. According to research by Anses, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, at least 11% of French homes have been affected.

Bed bugs are small wingless insects, between 1 and 7 millimetres in size, dark-reddish in colour that feed on the blood of people, and sometimes animals, mainly at night. They hide in mattresses, between sheets and in fabrics, causing skin irritation, blisters and itching. The resolution of the problem can take time and money and has encouraged a rush to purchase insecticides with chemical formulations containing potentially harmful substances that do not always solve the problem permanently, as bed bugs tend to develop resistance and tolerance to chemicals. But there is a definitive solution that does not involve the use of chemicals: steam. This natural element eradicates both insects and eggs, a crucial point in the disinfestation process since females lay up to 500  eggs during their lifetime.

Polti, an Italian company and leader in steam applications, has designed and manufactured the perfect tool to quickly and safely address this problem for more than 10 years: it is called the Polti Cimex Eradicator, which uses saturated dry superheated steam to kill bed bug eggs and adult bed bugs with a few quick steps*. But the effectiveness is not limited to these pests, because other tests carried out by independent third-party laboratories prove that Polti Cimex Eradicator kills up to 99.999%** of viruses, germs, bacteria, fungi and spores.

The secret lies in the patented dispenser with a controlled expansion chamber that superheats the steam up to 180°C: bed bugs and their eggs are eliminated by thermal shock. Steam is thus a safe method for the environment because it does not require the use of insecticides and therefore can be used in the presence of people, animals and without it being necessary to ventilate the premises for a long time after treatment. The dry steam also does not leave fabrics and surfaces wet, does not cause damage and does not alter the materials on which it is applied and can be directed into the difficult to treat nesting areas, ensuring a thorough disinfestation. After each trip, it is vital to take additional precautions to protect homes from the risk of a possible infestation with bed bugs: these annoying pests can hide in the most unthinkable places, including luggage. Polti Cimex Eradicator is a valuable ally that helps prevent the problem.

A study in May 2022 conducted by the department of Entomology of the American Rutgers University showed that the steam of Polti Cimex Eradicator reduces bed bugs more quickly than treatment with insecticide sprays.

For those who already have Polti Vaporetto or Polti Vaporetto Lecoaspira, by connecting the accessory Polti Sani System Gun, can sanitise and disinfect their home.

The problem today is most severe in France, but it exists and has always existed all over the world: there have been peaks of severe infestations that periodically recur. With Polti today the solution is available and it is simple, safe and effective.

*Tests carried out by third party and independent laboratories attest that Polti Cimex Eradicator kills 100% of the eggs and more than 90% of the adult bed bugs already at the first passage.

**Tests carried out by third party and independent laboratories attest that Polti Cimex Eradicator kills up to 99.999% of viruses, germs, bacteria, fungi and spores.
