Innovation, Sustainability, and Respect are the values ​​that define Polti and what it believes in, three fundamental pillars upon which the company's cultural identity is built. An identity rooted in the entrepreneurial spirit of founders Franco and Teresa Polti, which has been consolidated over 46 years of history and has found its highest expression under the leadership and vision of Francesca Polti, the current President and CEO of the Group. In the ever-changing and rapidly evolving context in which it operates today, Polti deemed it crucial to firmly reaffirm its identity and the values ​​that define it through the drafting of its Code of Ethics. In this article, we define our commitment to a corporate conduct based on shared principles, assuming full responsibility towards both its internal community and society as a whole.

The Code of Ethics represents an important step forward for Polti in its journey towards corporate excellence. A tangible commitment towards a corporate culture based on solid ethical principles, which guide and will guide the company in its continued success and in the creation of sustainable value for all its stakeholders.

The company's Code of Ethics focus on several key aspects, including:

Integrity: The company is committed to conducting all its activities in an honest, fair, and transparent manner.

Dedication to one's work should not pursue personal interests and must still be the result of the company's common goals, which are constantly shared with employees in meetings and plenary sessions. In our daily operations, we strive to promote a culture of respect for people, the environment, the community, and health.

Respect for the principle of non-discrimination: We promote an inclusive and respectful work environment where all individuals are treated with dignity and fairness, regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, language, religion, or political beliefs. In particular, to uphold the principle of non-discrimination against women, no disparity in treatment is applied based on a person's gender, ensuring equal conditions for female workers, such as access to senior positions.

Social responsibility: The company is committed to maintaining transparent and fair relationships with its customers, suppliers, institutions, and the local community. Employees, collaborators, and suppliers must adhere to all measures required by the company's internal procedures and regulations, developed and updated in accordance with current legislation. It promotes human rights, peace, development, and environmental protection, and, from a social responsibility perspective, it supports the balance between work and employees' private lives. For example, through flexible working hours and fully extendable remote work during parental leave.

Sustainability: We are committed to developing a lifestyle that respects the cycles of the environment in which the company operates, without compromising the local community's ability to enjoy a healthy and prosperous environment. Aware of the influence, even indirectly, that the company may have on the context in which it operates, on economic and social development, as well as on the general well-being of society, the company is committed to spreading the culture of sustainability and social responsibility internally within the company and through communication addressed to suppliers and business partners. Considering sustainability from a social perspective, the company protects individual freedoms in all their forms and condemns all forms of discrimination, violence, forced labor, and child labor.

The Code of Ethics represents an enduring commitment ingrained within our organisation, permeating its entirety. We are dedicated to ensuring its dissemination among all employees through comprehensive training and informational initiatives. Additionally, an external oversight body, independent of our management, has been established. This body is entrusted with the responsibility of monitoring adherence to the Code of Ethics and promptly reporting any violations to the Board of Directors for swift and effective resolution.